How many cell towers?

A request to erect a 135 foot tall AT&T cell tower in the middle of the Whippoorwill Road community had been made. Your opposition is needed to prevent this cell tower from being sited in the middle of a residential area.

A community meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 9, at 7:00 p.m. at the Hanover County Administrative Building
7516 County Complex Road.

New Cell Tower

While cell towers are a necessary and integral part of our lives, when you look around, cell towers seem to be sprouting up everywhere. How many do we actually need and where should they be placed?

The County approved a cell tower on New Ashcake Road and although it is disguised, it is still an eye-sore. Most people don’t find it very attractive and it is the only looming structure one sees driving down Ashcake Road. Another application is in the pipeline for a second cell tower to be sited besides New Ashcake Road. Whippoorwill Road sits between these two locations. Why are so many towers necessary?

Consider this:

A 2004 German government study found that people living within 1,300 feet of cell tower radiation had three times the normal cancer risk. In 2004, a resolution was adopted by the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) that opposed commercial cell towers on fire stations after a medical study showed brain and nerve problems for irradiated personnel. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences classifies electromagnetic fields as a Class 2B carcinogen.

Whippoorwill Road is a RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY. The County would never even consider placing an unsightly cell tower in the middle of Ash Creek, Milestone or Foxhead. Why would residents of the Whippoorwill area be treated differently?

The proposed construction site appears to encroach upon a wetland area. Too many wetland areas have been impacted. Is a cell tower a good reason to harm another wetland?

A cell tower, no matter how it is camouflaged, would be the tallest structure around. You can be sure it would attract lightning strikes and it would be a tremendous eye sore that folks would have to see every time they exited their homes.

Does anyone really know how cell towers affect other wireless gadgets like home phones, wireless computers, or video games like Wii? If a cell tower interferes with county communications, it must be shut down until the problem is fixed. Would Whippoorwill Road residents be afforded the same protection?

Why not require using more camouflage in erecting these unsightly structures? Hanover County’s rich, natural scenic beauty is what gives deep and meaningful value to living here. Cell towers, if too tall and too bare, threaten to rob rural Hanover its most prized asset – its picturesque landscape.

Please voice your concerns and opposition at the community meeting scheduled for Monday, March 9, at 7:00 p.m. (Hanover County Administrative Building, 7516 County Complex Road).

Please sign the attached petition and mail or e-mail it to your Board Member today!
