"Stop the Insanity!" Benefit Concert a Smashing Success!

A big, heartfelt THANK YOU to Ashland Coffee & Tea and all of the folks that made the Coalition for Hanover’s Future “STOP THE INSANITY!” Benefit Concert a whopping success!

Pictured from top to bottom:

Craig Evans of The Taters

Billy Ray Hatley

Page Wilson

Susan Greenbaum

Page Wilson & Martha Wingfield auctioning the published works of Phyllis Theroux

Ann Martin & Caroline Cooke
CHF Steering Committee Members

Here is one Richmond Times-Dispatch’s article regarding the January 9th public hearing.


Here is a link to The Herald-Progress article regarding the January 9th public hearing. Over 300 citizens attended the standing room only hearing. An overwhelming majority, 2:1 voiced opposition to the development-driven Comprehensive Plan revisions.